At the moron under me... first of all proof read your review moron, if you want to try to sound smart then spell correctly. Second, the events happen in this game for a reason, its a no brainer that your going to be stuck in the basement if you fell through a hole. And third if the creator was 14, he most likely wouldnt have the coding experience to make a game like this, does the voice acting really sound like theyre anywhere NEAR 14?? Wow you people are pathetic... and notice how i spelled "pathetic" instead of "patetic." And to the creator of this game, the game is a really good game, good artwork, and the concept was pretty much mastered by you.
You are planning on making a sequel right? Because this game was pretty short. Voice acting was well blended in, and its creepy enough to wonder whats going to happen next. Overall... 9/10 and the prime reason i rated this a nine because the sniper scope was a little free going and the length of the game. But overall great work and i hope to see more from you ^^.